
various plans, grabbed from the web.

LuSID's Arcade Flashback cabinet plan
6 buttons template for CPO
Brian bishop Bartop plans (zip archive)
Bartop plans (dxf format)
Bartop plans (dwg format)
Frostillicus 3 rotating pannels plans
Kyle Lindstrom. Ms PacMan cocktail plans and instructions
Kyle Lindstrom. PacMan cocktail plans and instructions
Kyle Lindstrom PacMan plans and instructions
Dave Mackenzie excellent article with plans to build a Space Invader cocktail
minimalistic plan for Asteriod
100% scaled plans for a bartop minicabinet
Ms Pacman Galaga cabinets plans
27 sheets for a sized PacMan plan
Aussie Lowboy Cabinet provided by holdennut
Dynamo plans stollen on BYOC
Pong plans grabbed somewhere on the Web
Pong plans provided by tnpshow, see his great Scratchbuilt PONG,/a>
Minicab plans grabbed from

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